In 3D rendering, the camera's parameters are key in determining the visualization of the scene. These parameters usually include the camera's position, orientation, and field of view.

  1. Camera Position: This refers to the camera's location in the 3D space, which determines the point from which the scene will be viewed.
  2. Orientation: This involves the direction in which the camera is aimed. Orientation encompasses the camera's rotation around the three axes: roll, pitch, and yaw.
  3. Near Plane: This is the plane in a 3D scene that is closest to the camera. It sets the minimum distance at which objects are rendered. Objects closer to the camera than the near plane are not rendered, effectively removing them from the scene.
  4. Far Plane: This is the plane in a 3D scene that is furthest from the camera. It sets the maximum distance at which objects are rendered. Objects further from the camera than the far plane are not rendered, effectively removing them from the scene.
  5. FOV (Field of View): This parameter determines how much of the scene the camera sees at once, measured in degrees along the lens's diagonal. A wider field of view includes more of the scene but may also create distortion, especially at the edges. Conversely, a narrower field of view includes less of the scene but allows for more detail.
  6. Zoom: This parameter determines the perceived closeness of objects in the scene. A higher zoom level makes objects appear closer, effectively magnifying the scene. Zoom doesn't change the camera's position but alters the camera lens's focal length, impacting the field of view. A zoom-in effect narrows the field of view and brings distant objects closer, while a zoom-out effect broadens the field of view, making objects seem further away and offering a wider view of the scene.
  7. Frustum: This refers to the section of a solid that lies between one or two parallel planes cutting it. In 3D graphics, and in relation to the camera, it refers to the volume of space visible to the camera, defined by the near plane, the far plane, and the field of view. It is often visualized as a truncated pyramid.

By adjusting these parameters, you can achieve different perspectives and views of the 3D scene, allowing for flexibility in visual representation.

👉 Want to learn about the types of cameras?

Perspective Camera