Simulating water in 3D rendering is complex due to its dynamic and transparent nature, which interacts with light intricately. Creating realistic water requires consideration of several properties, including transparency, reflections, refractions, surface ripples, and caustics.

How does water work?

The implementation of realistic water in 3D rendering typically requires a blend of shader programming, texture mapping, environmental mapping, and sophisticated rendering algorithms. As modern rendering engines progress, they provide enhanced water simulations for a more immersive visual experience.


How do you add water to the 3D scene?

  1. Click the 'Add elements' button in the top left corner.
  2. Hover over the 'basic' section in the pop-up to open another one.
  3. In the new pop-up, look for the 'other' section.
  4. Click the 'water' element to add it to the 3D scene.


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